<attention>🔥ONLY WORK FOR TURKEY REGION 🔥 💳 Buy games on your PSN Turkey from 500 TL to 3000 TL 🛑It's as simple as possible to buy the right product in Lira and we will assist in the purchase 🚀 You can purchase any game / add-on / buy currencies in the game / donate 🚀 A large number of games in Russian 🛑ATTENTION, WE REPLENISH THE WALLET ONLY WHEN YOU BUY FROM 300 LIR 🛑 When buying a recharge, the account must be more than 5 days old. Top-up is only a multiple of 10 lira, in 1201, 1207 will be topped up as 1200 lira, in 1211 it will be topped up as 1210! ✅ Verified seller with low prices </attention> <delivery> Great for buying games like FIFA 23 / NHL 23 / GOOD OF War etc </delivery> <delivery>If there are liras on your account, please take them into account, no refund will be made for their use. </delivery> <attention>Working hours: 10:00 -00:59 Moscow time</attention> <attention>Terms of registration from 15 minutes to 6 hours</attention> <delivery>You need to provide your Turkish PlayStation account email and password and 2FA backup code is a must!. We also issue PS Plus ESSENTIAL / EXTRA and DELUXE subscriptions, the link will be below for announcements Subscribe to your Turkish account - https://plati.market/itm/3390022 </delivery>
<attention>DO NOT USE THIS AD TO PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTIONS!</attention> <attention>Returns for any reason, I make minus 25% of the amount received (except if I cannot make a replenishment due to my own fault, but not through the fault of the service or the buyer)</attention>